

Modernizing the WTO: Global Value Chains and the Multilateral Trading System

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【作者】 陈靓黄鹏

【Author】 CHEN Liang;HUANG Peng;

【机构】 上海社会科学院上海WTO事务咨询中心

【摘要】 自WTO多哈回合谈判启动以来,多边谈判陷入停滞状态,贸易保护主义逐步蔓延,争端解决机制因上诉机构成员遴选障碍而接近停摆,WTO正面临着前所未有的危机。各成员开始重新审视WTO机制的内在问题,并提出WTO的现代化改革要求。从经济全球化发展的轨迹来看,当前WTO系统性失灵的根源在于多边贸易规则体系与作为其经济基础的全球价值链发展诉求之间的冲突加剧,导致出现区域主义盛行和多边体制边缘化的趋势,并间接开启了世界经济再平衡进程。WTO现代化改革应重塑多边贸易体制的职能,增强其对世界经济的适应性,发挥争端解决机制的核心功能,提高秘书处等机构的作用以加强"契约式"规则体系的治理能力,并开启"开放的诸边"谈判。作为世界开放的受益者和贡献者,中国应当发挥更大作用。此外,必须将WTO现代化改革置于世界经济再平衡的宏观坐标中,并要预判全球价值链未来的变化;在WTO内部推动各主要成员间经贸关系的结构性调整,协调好多边主义与区域主义的关系;开展与G20等多边平台的合作,减缓美国单边行为带来的冲击。

【Abstract】 Multilateral trade negotiations have stalled after the Doha Round broke down. Ineffectual dispute settlement mechanisms have made an increasing number of economies resort to trade protectionism. Even as some fear that the WTO might become irrelevant if it cannot be reformed,members have begun to reexamine the problems inherent in WTO mechanisms and proposed modernization reforms. From the perspective of economic globalization,the root cause of the current systemic failure of the multilateral trading system lies in the growing gap between the multilateral trade-rules system and the expansion of its economic foundation,i.e.,global value chains. As a result,the world is moving toward greater trade regionalism when traditional institutions are increasingly marginalized. Efforts to modernize the WTO should involve redefining the functions of multilateral trade institutions,increasing their resilience,improving the effectiveness of disputes settlement mechanisms,strengthening the role of the secretariat,and launching "open plurilateral" negotiations. Moreover,WTO modernization must unfold in the context of world economic rebalance,keeping pace with the expansion of global value chains. Structural adjustment among major members is required to strike a balance between multilateralism and regionalism. Cooperation and coordination with major economic institutions like the Group of Twenty are also indispensable to withstanding the shocking waves resulting from growing U.S. unilateralism.

  • 【分类号】F743
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1005

